Friday, June 20, 2008

Life without the Boss

Life. How we go on day by day and so on not realizing the impact we have on all the people in our lives. This week I have had the opportunity as I will call it to watch my three sons as Michelle ventured up to girls camp for four days. I must say that three boys know how to make a mess before the mess even knows it is being made. So much for a clean house.

At first I thought this would be easy, but I was way wrong. Now I should preface by stating I am also working from home instead of at the office. And it seems that I have had so many little fires that needed to take care of that it was at times impossible to give my boys the attention they needed. In fact, I have been informed that I have had negative attitude. I don't mean too but life without the Boss (aka Michelle) has put me into a funk that I can't get out of.

I can't wait for my princess to come home and break this evil curse I have been dealing with all week. I love her and my boys very much and don't know what I would do without them.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Tried the Tri at the Utah Summer Games

It's 5:15 in the morning and I wake up to the alarm. I ask myself, "What did I get myself into?" I must be crazy but I have trained hard so let's do it.

The weather could not have been better, bright blue skies and not too hot. Of course it was 6:30 am when we got there. Here is a picture of me before the race.

Well, they started the swim and it was like a bunch of piranha swimming crazy. You probably don't know but I am a pretty decent swimmer but wanted to keep my cool and go out at a comfortable pace.
The first hundred or so feet I could feel the excitement and almost started to freak out, but just as quickly told myself to calm down and swim. I guess I figured it would be better to finish than to drown, so I swam. In fact, I swam better than I thought because Michelle, my mom and dad said I was like the 10th or so swimmer out of the water.

I then transitioned to the bike and could feel my legs were a little rubbery but plowed ahead. Now the thing about this course is that most of it going out to the turn around is uphill and at mile marker 4 you hit a mega hill and then on the way back you have to climb it again on the opposite side, but not as bad. Icouldn't believe how many people were either screaming up the hill at mock speed or walking the hill. However, coming down that thing was a kick. I was probably cruising at around 35-40 mph. Well then I finish the bike and shift to the run.

Now after swimming 750 M (half a mile), 14 mile bike ride, the leg muscles are a little drained. At least for me they were shot but I wasn't going to stop running. So I ran my pace and yes people passed me but I didn't care. I still finished in style and can honestly say I gave my all. Here is a picture of me coming into the finish line.

I will post my times when I get them. thought you all would like to know. Plus, I am still alive.

Honoring Our Dad's

Today is the day we honor our fathers. I always thought it was funny that we had special days to honor mom and dad, because everyday should honor them. Don't get me wrong as a father I love the pampering and presents on this special day. In fact, one of my presents this year was a computerized watch that monitors my heart rate, calories burned, split times, and a whole bunch of things I still don't have a clue about.

Well, to end this rambling. Everyone call your dad and tell him Hi even if your relationship is not great. I have a great relationship with my dad and he is very special to me. I am very lucky to be able to work with my dad and to exercise with him whenever. Happy Father's Day to all.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

About Me

As you can see my name is Blake and this blog is all about me and my family.

The first thing I want to talk about is my family because they are the most important part of my life. I have a beautiful wife that keeps me in line and who I adore more than anything else in this life. I also have three sons who keep me on my toes and bring joy to my life.

And as for me this is quite simple. I love to laugh, sing, write (of which I am writing a novel), play any sport, watch movies, cook, eat, play on the computer, and do absolutely nothing at all. I also have a Master's degree in Business Management. However, I am currently working as a real estate agent making dreams come true by helping people buy and sell homes. Now there is a little about me but to learn more just read my blog and you will understand the Ramblings of Blake.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The first of many to come

Life is too short to miss out, so I decided to blog. Actually, if you want to know the truth I was jealous of my wife Michelle's blog ( and decided to make some new friends and have some fun. In a world of doom and gloom we all need a place where we can go to relax, have fun, talk about mindless things, topics to agree and disagree, and probably most important to laugh so hard that it hurts.

So let the adventure begin and I hope you enjoy reading the many posts that soon to come.