Friday, June 20, 2008

Life without the Boss

Life. How we go on day by day and so on not realizing the impact we have on all the people in our lives. This week I have had the opportunity as I will call it to watch my three sons as Michelle ventured up to girls camp for four days. I must say that three boys know how to make a mess before the mess even knows it is being made. So much for a clean house.

At first I thought this would be easy, but I was way wrong. Now I should preface by stating I am also working from home instead of at the office. And it seems that I have had so many little fires that needed to take care of that it was at times impossible to give my boys the attention they needed. In fact, I have been informed that I have had negative attitude. I don't mean too but life without the Boss (aka Michelle) has put me into a funk that I can't get out of.

I can't wait for my princess to come home and break this evil curse I have been dealing with all week. I love her and my boys very much and don't know what I would do without them.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Blake, I'm so glad you are all practiced up. You know Education Week is right around the corner!